Basic Policy
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Basic Policy

  Basic Policy

Basic Policy
The eonian topic and the environment basic policy of the Banner Union Applied Optics CO., Ltd. is to be harmonized with nature with a useful spirit to realize the concordant and rich society.

  Message from the President

The enterprise, the organization and the citizen should pay a very important role in the environment protective and the energy conservation as their own responsibility. The enterprise should show deep concern for the environment problems in series such as the ozonosphere protective, global warming prevention, the treatment of hazardous waste, desertification prevention, rainforest protective and the whole globe. The enterprise should stand in the globe¡¯s point of view to know the environment issues.

The products of Banner Union Applied Optics, Inc do not enter the human body directly, everybody could rest assured that the poison has no way to be interfused. However, if we stand in the exhaustion of the globe resource and the environment pollution¡¯s point of view, the poison be interfused to the products can not be condoned.

Last year (2008), the energy conservation equipments were introduced in order to support the environment protective business in full scale. The effect of the energy conservation as the environment management action was launched roundly. We did not achieve the target of reducing CO2 emissions 20t in 2008 since the increase in equipment and the business expansion, the result is that CO2 emissions 12t was reduced in 2008.


The energy conservation equipment would be introduced at this stage of factory building in order to build the sustainable development factory, and the interrelated laws and environment agreement should be observed. Through maintaining the environment management system of Banner Union, the local resident and other neighbor animals can live securely and contentedly.
Banner Union approaches to the development of environmental technologies

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